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"In a world where you can be anything, be kind."

- jennifer dukes lee

At the beginning of each school year, I try to find a quote, video clip, or story that will help motivate staff and students to be the best version of themselves for the upcoming school year.
We have been using the theme at PHS for the last five years.


We are Panther Strong!

~ Monique Jensen, Parma High School Principal 

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drivers ed

A teen driver between the age of 14 ½ and 17 may enroll in driver education and training to be eligible for a license at age 15. The driver-training (DT) permit shall be purchased before the student participates in any instruction.

Read More about Driver's Ed

We now have Parma spirit gear for sale in the high school office. You can order online through the district website or come into the office to purchase your gear. If you are ordering online go to the district website and select Revtrak, log into Revtrak and select the spirit gear tab. Items are pictured and have the price available. Orders will be available for pick up at the high school office.


Read More about Panther Apparel (opens in new window/tab)